R4tC's causes

Since 2008, more than 250 childs of Lobitos in Peru can get a double teaching, thanks to WAVES for Development. They have lessons in english and in environment, which municipal school cannot support. Apart from the school, childs can get surf lessons with WAVES.

Once they get out of mandatory school, WAVES offers them social entrepreneurship lessons. The aim is to allow them to take themselves in hand their economic future within a growing touristic context.

From 2013, several young people from Lobitos could build their own projects : creation of a website dedicated to tourism, audiovisual production, surf photography, surf lessons or surf shop. WAVES is very happy to see concrete actions emerge!

However, difficulties in Peru (in particular financial ones) to build new infrastructures still remain an everyday challenge for local and international teams of WAVES.

Summit FOUNDATION‘s goal is to lower the environmental impact of human activities, especially in ski resorts and durinc music festivals.

Created in January 2001, Summit is an independant swiss non-profit organisation, acknowledged of public utility.

The foundation has mainly two fields of activity:

  • Raising public awareness on environmental matters, especially during leisure activities
  • Developing concrete solutions in order to encourage an environmentaly friendly behaviour.

Since 2009

km traveled
Helped childs
Hours of charity
CHF harvested